
Process—the blog of the Organization of American HistoriansThe Journal of American History, and The American Historian—strives to engage professional historians and general readers in a better understanding of U.S. history.


Process welcomes pitches for blog posts from anyone actively engaged in the practice of U.S. history, including researchers, teachers, graduate students, archivists, curators, public historians, digital scholars, and others.

Potential topics include commentary on recent or upcoming events; reviews of film and television of interest to the historical profession; and reflections on teaching, writing, or otherwise doing American history.

We do not accept authors’ requests for interviews about their own publications and we do not accept sponsored posts.

To contribute, please write us with a short pitch at blog@oah.org. All contributions are subject to review and authors may be asked for revisions. Process reserves the right not to publish submissions.

Please consult our current calls for submissions.

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Process allows other blogs to repost its content, with the permission of both the author and of the blog’s editors. If you are interested in reposting a piece that first appeared on Process, please send us an email at blog@oah.org.


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The OAH welcomes civil and professional comments and discussion. Spam, personal attacks, or offensive, illegal, or defamatory materials will be deleted. In the spirit of productive public dialogue, we ask that you keep your comments relevant, civil, and fairly brief.

Access to post comments will be blocked for any user who violates the above code of conduct or for any other reason deemed appropriate by the OAH.

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All contributors to the blog grant the OAH an unlimited perpetual license to publish the posted content in any media. Viewers of the blog may link to the blog and contributors grant permission for this to occur. Contributors should only provide post content, including photos, if they are the copyright holder or if they have written permission from copyright holder. Everything on this site is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and the Universal Copyright Convention and may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.

The Organization of American Historians (OAH) is not responsible for statements, whether of fact or of opinion, made by any contributors.

For any other queries, please contact us at blog@oah.org.

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