Behind the Scenes By Wayne HuxholdJune 21, 2016 Archiving Ohio Valley Ethnohistory Tell us about the collection, what is it comprised of? The Great Lakes/Ohio Valley Ethnohistory…
Commentary By OAH BlogMay 18, 2016 Black Lives (and) Matter: George Zimmerman’s Gun and Artifacts of Racial Violence in American History On May 11, 2016, Florida man George Zimmerman put the handgun he used to kill…
Articles By OAH BlogFebruary 16, 2016 First Nature: Deep History in the Early American Midwest [Robert Morrissey’s full article “The Power of the Ecotone: Bison, Slavery, and the Rise and…
Articles By OAH BlogDecember 14, 2015 “The Power of the Ecotone”—now open access Robert Morrissey’s article “The Power of the Ecotone: Bison, Slavery, and the Rise and Fall…
Dissertations By OAH BlogDecember 1, 2015 Ojibwe Peoplehood in the North American West Could you briefly describe your dissertation? My project, “Ojibwe Peoplehood in the North American West…
Teaching By OAH BlogNovember 11, 2015 Teaching Native American History in a Polarized Age (Cross-posted from The American Historian. For more articles on teaching, visit The American Historian online) By…